Stone Companies, Turkey
I would like to introduce you the new face of the Turkish natural stones, DOGA NAZ is the brand of best Turkish natural stones and is established by Doga Naz Stones. the leading Producer and trading company. assure our customers they get the best quality marbles, travertines limestones, granites,sandstones, and the ot
Stone Companies, Turkey
ur Firm founded in 1999 and mainly deals with various kinds of marble, granite, limestone, sandstone products including blocks, tiles, slabs, cut to size. We have been involved in exporting different kinds of high quality marble to all over the world so we want to expand overseas marketing. Our aim is to
Stone Companies, Turkey
KILIC ANATOLIAN NATURAL STONE was established in 2001. Since that year, we provide Natural Stones from our own Factory and Querries. The aim is to be one of the best of your solution partners in Turkey. Besides our own products, we also provide all kinds of Naturel Stones in the best prices around of Turkey.
Stone Companies, Turkey
Founded in 1960, Ülker Yapý has managed to be a leading company with 48 years of hard work. Besides many art design works, Ülker Yapý had started its manufacturing history with cini patterned Karaosman mosaic tiles and different finishings of sandstone. With its increasing product variety and quality Ülker Yap
Stone Companies, Turkey
Burakhan Marble & Travertine Ltd specialist in supplying Natural stones. Beige Marble and Denizli Cakmak Travertine
Stone Companies, Turkey
Alyans Marble is a travertine tile manufacturer and have experience over than 10 year in this field.Alyans Marble can cut tiles with different sizes and surfaces.With the new travertine quarry they have the ability to export travertine blocks all over the world.
Stone Companies, Turkey
Exporting turkish beige and white marble kinds, travertine and limestone and imports granite. has two warehouses in turkey.professional service, high quality
Stone Companies, Turkey
Intmar Marble Mining Ltd. Co. serves to the market inside and outside of Turkey since 2004 with a variety of products and we do our best to produce the maximum quality with reasonable rates.
Stone Companies, Turkey
Since 1943, Reisoğlu is a leading travertine, marble, beige marble, limestone, andesite, basalt, onyx, granite, world stones, quarry owner, manufacturer and exporter company Production capacity is 80.000 m³ at the quarries, 1.250.000 m² in our 3 factories per year. Efesus Stone collection comprises of slabs, tiles, mosaics, cnc designs, waterjet,
Stone Companies, Turkey
The leading international marble trading company located in Mugla Turkey with high production capacity and wide range of products like Mugla White, Blanco Canaria and Blanco Ibiza. Founded with the aim of merging experience with quality, Entas Mermer has rapidly grown in that direction and became a corporation that provides its services on an area
Stone Companies, Turkey
Dear Sirs, Our Company is the exporter/producer of marble,0nyx,traverten,naturalstones,crom and we would like to make our company and its products known to you. Enclosed is a brochure which gives you general information about our products.Special order is acceptable,Since we have recently received many requests for
Stone Companies, Turkey
We provide service directly through quarry production or cut and processed products. You may reach every different type of stone all over the world though IMC quality and reasonable price. We are able to present you unique marble, granite and travertine in any size and process type in the following forms: Block
Stone Companies, Turkey
We are quarry owner and exporter from Turkey for marble and travertine
Stone Companies, Turkey
We are looking for foreign cooperators or buyers and ready for long-term cooperation and supporting all the customers’ requirements with the best quality, service and the best price.
Ermas Madencilik Turizm Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS
Stone Companies, Turkey
Our company, Ermas Marble Industry Trade Co is producer and exporter of Marble and other natural stones. We are owner of 4 quarries, one of them is travertine quarry and others are marble quarries and two processing factories in Turkey. Our Yatagan quarry is one of the biggest reserves of white marble in Turkey and
Stone Companies, Turkey
Leading Turkish Travertine manufacturer and exporter firm, Tile, cut-to-size, slab and block supplier
Stone Companies, Turkey
We are one of the exporter ; " MARBLE " "CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS" "MARBLE CUTTING MACHINES" "WATERJET CNC CUTTING MACHINE" trading company in TURKEY. Our Company is the export of various materials ; "WHITE MARBLE" (WHITE IBIZA & KEMALPASA WHITE) "TRAVERTINE"
Stone Companies, Turkey
TURKİSH YELLOW TRAVERTİNE : Having one of the best Yellow Travertine quarry in Turkey, our other partner company has started its production in 2002 in Tunceli, continues its production with its machine park which makes use of the latest technology by using quality raw material and modern production technique
Stone Companies, Turkey
AYDAMAR works in the field of natural stone exportation in Turkey since 2008. Our experience and stability are our greatest reference for our partners all over the world. Never hesitate that you will get from AYDAMAR the quality and the quantity of raw blocks and also cut to size materials that you ask for.
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